Monday, January 12, 2009


We are using TeamCity to build everything. When we've just set up, I was down with it: how could a company making such bad products like Idea produce something good? Though, it managed. Certainly, TeamCity is buggy, the interface is non-obvious, but generaly everything is fine. Sources get compiled on different computers, tests are executed, graphics get drawn, and reports get made.

And TeamCity 4 has Mercurial support, so thanks a lot to developers.

Image, that make me happy

Next time when someone asks me about any good software written in Java I will tell about TeamCity.

I'd like to take an opportunity to request TeamCity developers for support of exact dependencies between projects. Assume we have two projects, app and framework. Root of app project has ivy.xml file with a record that the project depends on framework version svn-1234. So I wish for app project build to start only in case of successful build of framework project from revision 1234.

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Symbolic Link?

How to check from Java that file is a symbolic link? (without using external programs or JNI)

At once !file.getCanonicalFile().equals(file) is incorrect.


boolean isSymlink(File f) {
File cp = file.getParentFile().getCanonicalFile();
File f1 = new File(cp, f.getName());
return !f1.equals(f1.getCanonicalFile());
P. S. For all that, JDK standard library developers are villains, because JDK doesn't provide API to OS-specific functions.

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First record